Thursday, May 11, 2006


I read an article today about rudeness.

First, it described several examples of rude behavior. For example, bad drivers and rude cell phone users.

Then it related comments from educators who have tried to impress the importance of polite behavior on their students. For example, etiquette training in pre-school and showing respect for elders.

In closing, the article quoted one of those teachers. She said, "Once you lose respect for people, you have a lot of things break down. It's almost like, one by one, these things have fallen away and this has become the new norm."

That's the part of the article that struck home with me. She's right. A lot of the hostility I feel stems from the simple fact that I have lost respect for most other people.

Last month I quoted a funny sign that we saw in a gift shop. It read, "Before you criticize another, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, you'll be a mile away and you'll have his shoes!"

I think the sign is funny because the sentiment completely reverses the original intent of the adage and it speaks volumes about how we treat each other these days.

I want to work on that.


At 11:36 AM, Blogger kphiker said...

i think rudeness gets reinforced by television shows (jerry springer, roseanne, etc) and talk radio (rush and others).

until we turn our backs on that unhealthy, dysfunctional crap, more and more and more people will use it as their paradigm.

At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree--It is a huge problem today and when I have a patient that is polite to me--its weird--out of the ordinary--I feel good-- and then I feel I should go out of my way for that person because they are a nice polite person--rather refreshing!!LL


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