Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Sometimes it Rains and sometimes it Pours

Poor Jean.
1. She and her husband broke up for good last weekend. He moved out - although a lot of his personal belongings are still in the house. He took money out of their joint account without telling her and he took the computer that contained some of the business records.
2. Sunday, she bought 23 bud vases to put little flower arrangements in at the new restaurant. But when she got home from the store and opened the car door, 13 vases fell out on the driveway and broke.
3. Monday, when she arrived at the old restaurant, she found that the soda/juice/bottled water cooler had failed over the weekend.
4. When I got to the old restaurant, at about 7:30, she was already at work changing the oil in the deep fat fryer. When she told me about discovering the cooler had failed, she said that she, "lost it for a little bit and cried for awhile".
5. At 9:00, she left to go see her banker. She needed to find out if there was any money left in her account and secure her account before her ex-husband cleaned it out completely. Fortunately, there was still enough in the account to cover her checks - she hopes - and the banker put a flag on the account so her "ex" can't clean it out without her knowledge.
6. She asked me to refill the deep fat fryer with oil while she was gone. There was a big unlabeled plastic container of clear oil sitting next to the fryer. It was only about 1/3rd full, but I guessed it might be enough to fill the fryer. I poured it all in. It wasn't enough. I found another big container of oil in the storage area. This one was still in the box. The label on the box said it was, "creamy". Hmmm. I called Jean on her cell phone. I told her that the first container of oil didn't fill the fryer and the other container I found said "creamy". She said that "creamy' was fine. So I poured about 2/3rds of the container of creamy oil into the fryer to fill it up. The creamy and clear oils didn't mix. Hmmm. The creamy oil settled to the bottom and the clear oil stayed on top. I didn't like the looks of it. I waited until Jean got back before heating it up. When Jean got back, I told her that the creamy oil didn't look right. She said it would be fine and that it would clear up when it was heated. So I turned on the heat. Sure enough, the oil cleared and it looked fine.
Later in the day, Jean asked if I knew where the salad oil was. She couldn't find it anywhere! Salad oil? Uh oh. Suddenly we both realized why I was confused about filling the fryer. Jean had used the container of salad oil to hold the fryer door open while she drained it. When she asked me to fill the fryer, I assumed I was supposed to use the container of oil sitting next to the fryer! None of the plastic containers are labeled - which I think is strange. The boxes they come in are labeled, but after you take the plastic jug out of the box, you have to remember what kind of oil is in it. She laughed it off, saying that it wasn't the first time; it would be okay; salad oil works in the fryer but it just gets used up a little faster; she had more salad oil... and so forth. I felt bad (although not entirely at fault) and I apologized. I have no idea if salad oil costs more than fryer oil, or if they're entirely interchangeable, or what. One of these days I need to find out. I may have dumped a day's-worth of profit into the fryer. I hope not.


At 5:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I just feel so BAD for her. It sounds like such a monumental thing for her to succeed at this, but I sure hope she makes it...SOMEHOW???!

At 10:49 AM, Blogger kphiker said...

she is such a sweetheart and her food really is great. i hope she can make it, but wow, the odds are so against her...


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