Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I hate codes. Codes are sdeeky! One day you're feelig great, then a code sdeeks ub on ya from nowhere and BAMB! You've god a code! DAB YOU, CODE VIRUS!
That's what happened to me yesterday.
I started the day with a mild sore throat. I hoped it was because I had slept with my mouth open or maybe it was residual irritation from breathing leaf dust for 6 hours the day before. The sore throat abated shortly after I got up however so I went to the park, did my volunteer thing for a few hours, had lunch, then went to the periodontist. All day I felt fine. Then, last night about an hour after the Novocaine wore off, BAM! I started coughing, one side of my nose started to run, and the other plugged shut, my head started to ache, and my eyes started to water. Oh yeah, and the sore throat came back. DAG NAB IT!
I'd like to take my head off, put it on a shelf, and wander around headless until the virus has run its course.
In other news: I bought some bumper stickers the other day. Now I have to decide which car to put them on. I know, bumper stickers are old fashioned and usually limited to gross insults on the back of rolling meth labs and junky pickup trucks. But, what the heck. I have a message to send and bumper stickers seem like the appropriate venue! Tell me, if you were stopped behind a Buick with one or more of these bumper stickers, what would you conclude about the driver?

"Roses are red, violets are blue
I'm schizophrenic and so am I."

"Are we over the rainbow yet?"

"What would Scooby Do?"


At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, welcome back! And with good bumper stickers, too. Have you seen the one that says, "JESUS LOVES YOU!...everyone else thinks you're an SOB."


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