Friday, July 21, 2006

Tangled Webs

As Sir Walter Scott so aptly stated: "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."

I just got off the phone with the police officer who responded to my noise complaint last week AND the animal control officer who responded to my dog poo complaint the previous week. NEITHER ONE ISSUED THE NEIGHBOR A CITATION. Her claim that, because of my reports, she's struggling to pay $160 in fines turns out to be a complete fabrication. She must crazier than I thought.

The animal control officer said they do have records of previous violations against the family and a note in the file about their lack of cooperation, but she didn't write them a ticket.

The police officer said he stopped by three times since the night of the noise complaint to speak with Mrs. Nutjob but she was never home. So, obviously HE didn't write a ticket.

One of the "good" neighbors stopped by this morning and asked me if I knew anything about a car that has been parked, facing the wrong direction, in front of Mrs. Nutjob's house for the past month or so. I said that I didn't know anything about it and I hadn't paid any attention to it. An or so hour later, a squad car pulled up and the officer left a ticket on the windshield. 'Guess who's gonna get blamed for that one!!

My soulmate thinks the universe is trying to teach me something about dealing with crazy people or control issues or assertiveness or I don't know what. I think the universe is just messin' with me, again. A pox on thee, universe!


At 1:23 PM, Blogger kphiker said...

"A pox on thee, universe!" ... uh, oh, now you've asked for it...

At 7:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously. I'm pretty sure the universe has exclusive playground rights on poxes for "I know you are, but what am I" purposes.


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