Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Plants for Air Heads

I think I found a plant that fits my horticultural skills perfectly... an air plant.
First of all, they're cheap. Little ones cost $1.50, larger ones cost $4.50.
Secondly, they're strange-looking. The ones I bought look like long strands of wiry hair that wander off in different directions.
Third, you can put them anywhere! I glued mine to the inside of seashells so they look like long tentacles of some weird creature reaching out.
Finally, they're pretty much kill-proof. All they need is exposure to bright light and a weekly misting.
So, if you're ever looking for an unusual and inexpensive gift for a plant lover, go buy a sea shell that is coiled - like a snail shell. Then take it to your local nursery and find an air plant that you can stuff part way into the shell's opening. Then glue the plant into the opening! For added fun, you can glue a magnet to the back of the shell so it can be used as a refrigerator magnet! Gorilla glue works great.


At 10:21 PM, Blogger kphiker said...

i love the sea shell and plant you got for june -- it's really striking! and care-free ... yay!!

At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've often wondered about air plants. Chiara managed to kill the one she had when she was in Seattle summer of '02!


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