Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Rock Show

We moved into this house one year ago. The builder was obligated by contract to some basic landscaping that included hydro-seeding the yard, flower beds and some ornamental grasses.
That's the way the place has looked since we moved in. Not necessarily because we were thrilled with the landscaping plan, but because we didn't know what else to do.
Our house sits on a corner lot so one corner of our yard is at the corner of the block. In that corner of our yard, the builder put a flower bed with a few of ornamental grasses and pine bark mulch.
I have been toying with different ideas for that corner. First, I wanted to put a multi-trunk white birch there surrounded by purple heather. Then, I realized that a multi-trunk white birch in that location would totally block drivers' view around the corner from two directions. So, that idea was out.
Then I thought we might put the front half of an old boat out there with plants all around. But I found out that even 1/2 a boat weighs a ton - if you can find one - so I gave that idea up too. Nonetheless, by that time, I was stuck on the seashore theme - partly because our street is named "Harbor Side".
One of the ornamental grasses we have is pale blue and looks all spikey, like a small blue fireworks explosion. That gave me the idea that maybe the grass could be incorporated in a rock garden to look like little bursts of water splashing against boulders.
Aha! Suddenly a vision took form: A rock garden that looks like a miniature sea shore, with a light house and "water" crashing against the rocks.
Five boulders and about a ton of river rock later, we have the beginnings of an organized rock garden. We set all the rocks today. Then we went to Lowe's and bought a dozen plants to place in the garden. I'm going to set the plants tomorrow and see how they look. We'll probably need to get more plants, but, at this point, I'm happy with the way it looks.
If I knew how to post photos, I'd share the project with you in a somewhat step-by-step basis.
Maybe tomorrow.


At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes I would like to see this! lly


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